Mishana Hosseinioun On The Case Of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi

Editor’s Note:
I received this from Ms. Hosseinioun today.

In this interview she rightly challenges the lack of transparency, explains Saif’s situation from a legal perspective, outlines the responsibilities of the NTC, the ICC and the prosecuter under International law.

She emphasizes that Saif has not been granted access to family, friends or genuine human rights organizations who wish to verify his status.

She also confirmed that the lawyers appointed are not ones he has chosen.

All of the above raise serious concerns about Saif.

In every way his human rights have been violated and International laws and norms that pertain to political prisoners, disregarded.

Mishana Hosseinioun and Aisha Gaddafi separately filed motions seeking permission to submit amicus curiae observations to the Pre-Trial Chamber hearing the case before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. Ms. Hosseinioun requested permission to contact Saif Gaddafi to assist him in the appointment of legal counsel while his sister requested permission to make “specific” observations to assist the Chamber in “determining whether the Libyan authorities truly desire to provide” the accused with “effective legal representation or to afford him a fair trial.”

Both applications were denied.

Alexandra Valiente
Libya 360°
Viva Libya!

21 Apr 2012  by   

BBC World Service Newshour interview with Mishana Hosseinioun on the case of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, 18 April 2012

Here is the direct link from the BBC website: BBC iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00qjmkt

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