Saif Al Islam Still In Danger: Human Rights Hell In The “New Libya”

Curtis Doebbler Tweets From Libya

#Libya: US official says NATO, under US instructions, targeted civilians it knew did not support the civil war.
6:10 PM – 30 Dec 11via web

#Libya reported number of rapes skyrocket in Benghazi and Tripoli under NATO-led foreign occupation.
6:11 PM – 30 Dec 11via web

#Libya NATO-led rebels continue to deny Saif al-Islam fair trial…access to lawyers, say hey have no power over him.
6:15 PM – 30 Dec 11via web

#Libya: ICC prosecutor may go to work for NATO-led occupation government in Libya, after contributing to unfair trials in Libya.
6:16 PM – 30 Dec 11via web

#Libya: ICC refusing to act on credible evidence of massive violations of human rights by NATO and NATO-led rebels.
5:43 PM – 31 Dec 11via web

#Libya: African countries considering withdrawing from ICC after Prosecutor’s bias exposed.
5:44 PM – 31 Dec 11via web

How many people did UN kill by its irresponsible actions in 2011? The answer is more than the population of many Least Developed Countries.

Alexandra has been advised that Curtis will be writing articles on the situation in Libya as soon as Saif’s situation is secure. They will be posted here and will address disinformation as well as highlight where Libya and the political prisoners most need our assistance. –James