Ocampo: A Rapist Representative For International Law?

Daniele Puccio

These days, the name Luis Moreno-Ocampo repeatedly appears in the mainstream media. He is the ICC’s chief prosecutor, known for the arrest warrant against sudanese head of state Omar Al-Bashir.

But yesterday it wasn’t about the Sudan but about Libya. Muammar Gaddafi was his next target. He accused him of “ordering the use of rape as a weapon of war” with no evidence provided.

Despite the fact that even the US-based human rights organization Amnesty International questioned the accusations the ICC issued an arrest warrant against Gaddafi.

“An investigation by Amnesty International has failed to find evidence for these human rights violations and in many cases has discredited or cast doubt on them. It also found indications that on several occasions the rebels in Benghazi appeared to have knowingly made false claims or manufactured evidence.”

BUT nonetheless, let’s focus on the “prosecutor”, the upright man Luis Ocampo-Moreno.

This complaint against him was issued in 2006. Accusation: RAPE!

But please, read it for yourselves.
The Hague, 20 October 2006

To The Presidency of the International Criminal Court

Complaint against ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo concerning serious misconduct

1. This complaint, submitted to the Presidency of the ICC under
Regulation 119.1 of the Regulations of the Court and Rule 23 of the
Rules of Procedure and Evidence, alleges that Prosecutor Luis Moreno-
Ocampo on 28 March 2005 committed serious misconduct, either in
the course of his official duties, which is incompatible with official
functions, and causes or is likely to cause serious harm to the proper
administration of justice before the Court or the proper internal
functioning of the Court1; or of a grave nature outside the course of his
official duties that causes or is likely to cause serious harm to the
standing of the Court2, by committing the crime of rape, or sexual
assault, or sexual coercion, or sexual abuse against [NAME], a citizen
of South Africa, and that for this reason he should be removed from
Office by the Assembly of States Parties. The crime was committed in
a guest suite of Lord Charles Hotel in the town Somerset West in the
Western Cape Province of South Africa in the afternoon of 28 March
2005. [NAME], a leading reporter with the [NAME] newspaper [NAME],
had traveled to Cape Town for a pre-agreed interview with Moreno-
Ocampo on this day.

2. The following narrative will describe the events of 28 March 2005
and the crime committed by Moreno-Ocampo. As evidence and other
information in support of the allegation the following documents and
audio files are annexed to the complaint.

But please read the full complaint here:

Complaint against Luis Moreno-Ocampo
or as PDF

ICC: Good Riddance Luis Moreno Ocampo
Libya: How The U.S. And Moreno Ocampo Destroyed The ICC

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